31/8/2023- Empower Your Digital Journey

Sep 07, 2023

We're thrilled to witness the dynamic collaboration of our three outstanding members

🟡Pavithra Celine, Founder Enrich Ventures Business Set-Up Services

🟡Marina D'souza, Founder Marina Pearl Co-Working Space

🟡Doaa Jabir, Founder Eboutik

unite to co-host the remarkable "Entrepreneurs Bling"- an exclusive event for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs. Reach out to Doaa for more information.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much- Helen Keller"

Well, all we can say is this collaboration beautifully illustrates the power of connections. Kudos to empowered women supporting one another in entrepreneurship!

Join Homepreneurs Club!

Homepreneurs Club is for Female Entrepreneurs. As a community of women in business and women looking to set up their own businesses, we help each other and lift each other up. The club hosts networking events, webinars, and many more events in Dubai to help you grow.


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