7/20/2023- Unleash the Power of Online Reviews for Small Businesses!

newsletter Sep 07, 2023

First up- Doaa Jabir! She recently launched her website, eBoutik- , and it's pretty cool! 

eBoutik is an innovative e-directory designed to support and empower small businesses, home-based entrepreneurs, freelancers, and digital creators. 

And here's the cherry on top: eBoutik is running a 2-month introductory offer. For just AED 100, vendors can sign up and take advantage of this fantastic opportunity! Sounds like a great deal, right? 

For more accurate details, reach out to DoaaCLICK HERE

We're all super proud of her and her amazing initiative! Way to go, Doaa! 🎉


Join us to congratulate Charlotte D'Souza, an entrepreneur and Co-Founder of BLAH BLAH BLAH (Building Life's Attainable Habits)!

 Charlotte has been recognized and awarded the IWG Educator Award for her outstanding contribution towards making society better.

How awesome is that? 🎉

Charlotte's BLAH BLAH BLAH is an initiative with a heart! Their mission is to support children aged 7 to 17 from all around the world embrace essential life skills, leading to self-awareness, nurturing relationships, and making valuable contributions to society. 

Guess what? They're currently hosting one-week summer camp for children aged 7 to 15! Check out their page HERE for all the juicy details.

Once again, a big round of applause for Charlotte for her dedication and making a real difference in the lives of these young minds. 🌟

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Homepreneurs Club is for Female Entrepreneurs. As a community of women in business and women looking to set up their own businesses, we help each other and lift each other up. The club hosts networking events, webinars, and many more events in Dubai to help you grow.


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