8/10/2023- E-Commerce Strategies for Women-Owned Businesses

Sep 07, 2023

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our member, Ms. Pavithra Celine Trinidad- CEO & FOUNDER of Enrich Ventures Business Setup for conducting the highly informative webinar session on 'Navigating Business Start-up Costs: Essential Expenses, Licensing, and Rules.'

Her presentation was incredibly insightful and provided us with a comprehensive understanding of the critical aspects involved in starting a business. We are in awe of the abundant positive feedback received from the participants.

đź’ĄThank you, Pavithrađź’Ą

It is evident that you possess a deep understanding of the subject matter, and your passion for sharing your knowledge shone brightly throughout the webinar.

A huge shout out and tons of best wishes to our member Afrooz who is going to be hosting her First Ever Solo Workshop on Making A Terrazzo Coaster. Wondering what it is?

For the curious you, Terrazzo coasters are made of eco-resin(commonly known as Jesmonite)- a combination of gypsum and water-based acrylic resin.

Hop over to her page to book your space.

đź’ĄGood Wishes, Afroozđź’Ą

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Homepreneurs Club is for Female Entrepreneurs. As a community of women in business and women looking to set up their own businesses, we help each other and lift each other up. The club hosts networking events, webinars, and many more events in Dubai to help you grow.


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