7/12/2023- Unwrap the Magic this Festive Season

newsletter Dec 08, 2023

Member Exclusive Discount

For all paid members of the Homepreneurs Club, eBoutik is offering 10% discount on their yearly subscription fee.

Use code HPC10 for your discount* *Code expires on 31st December 2023

eBoutik is an all-in-one e-directory revolutionizing online presence in the UAE owned by our member- Doaa Jabir. For more details contact Doaa at +971509562204 / Whatsapp +971043547638

As we eagerly anticipate the 3rd Anniversary of Homepreneursclub next month, we are in awe of the remarkable growth we've experienced as a community.

Three years ago, our founder, Bilna Sandeep, started the Homepreneurs Club, driven by an understanding of solo business owners' challenges without a supportive community. Every entrepreneur faces unique struggles, and seeking help seems daunting. She intended to create a space for women entrepreneurs to exchange ideas, share struggles, and uplift each other.

Today, the club is flourishing, expanding, and becoming a guiding light for numerous ambitious women entrepreneurs, assisting them at various stages of their business journey. We have exciting plans in store for 2024, tailored to empower our ambitious women entrepreneurs in expanding their businesses! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Let's take a moment to celebrate the strength of women entrepreneurs and the enchanting synergy that unfolds when they unite to support each other! 🎉

Join Homepreneurs Club!

Homepreneurs Club is for Female Entrepreneurs. As a community of women in business and women looking to set up their own businesses, we help each other and lift each other up. The club hosts networking events, webinars, and many more events in Dubai to help you grow.


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